Virtual Chains

OK- so I am going to participate in a chain-letter-blogging-thingy that I am completely new to. But I am always up for new things, and I haven't done anything fun yet here. As a matter of fact, I have been far too serious, and even morose.
So here's my attempt at lightening up!
My image is above.
Bulging. Voluptuous. Complex. Growing. Pulsating. Protruding.
What a cool image! Nice words, too.
Welcome on the chain-gang EH.
The fractal is rather befitting for the Ball-and-Chain feeling I got when I got tagged myself. But I'm finding a load of interesting new items this way.
And your blog-spot is a good read, btw.
Thanks, guys!
I have found some interesting items as well this way.
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